
被爆者証言の世界化ネットワーク(Network of Translators for the Globalization of the   Testimonies of Atomic Bomb Survivors 通称NET-GTAS)は、広島・長崎の原爆被爆者の証言映像を通して、被爆の実相、体験を世界中に広めるために活動しています。ほとんどの証言者が日本語しか話せないため、世界に広めるためには言語の壁を乗り越えることがどうしても必要です。そこで、その証言ビデオをできるだけ多くの言語に翻訳し、字幕を付ける作業を行っています。NET-GTASは、教員や翻訳家、学生など多くの会員やサポーターの広がりの中で、事務局を置く京都外国語大学をはじめ、筑波大学、横浜国立大学が共同で2014年1月に設立、今ではその3大学に加え、ドイツのボン大学、ウィーン大学なども活動の中心的役割を担っています。  2014年から、NET-GTASは国立原爆死没者追悼平和祈念館(と提携し、当館が制作した被爆者の証言ビデオを英語、中国語、韓国語、ドイツ語、フランス語の5言語への翻訳を始め、2019年1月現在は15言語、25人の被爆者、130本以上のビデオを完成させるところまで来ました。




What is “NET-GTAS0”?

The aim of NET-GTAS, the Network of Translators for the Globalization of the Testimonies of Atomic Bomb Survivors, is to express and diffuse the experiences of Atomic-Bomb victims through video interviews with the survivors. In order to overcome the language barriers, as most survivors speak only Japanese, the interviews are being translated into as many different languages as possible by NET-GTAS volunteers.
Thirteen professors from Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, the University of Tsukuba and Yokohama National University formed the nucleus of this project and subsequently, in January 2014, we established NET-GTAS thanks to an expanded co-operation of regular members and supporters comprised of professors and translators involved in language education.
Since 2014, NET-GTAS has been started to work on translating the video interviews of Atomic-Bomb survivors produced by the Hiroshima National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims ( into English, Chinese, Korean, German and French. The interviews will be posted on the HP of our internet site Global Network HP (, which is produced with the National Peace Memorial Hall for Atomic Bomb Victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
NET-GTAS is working on not only translating, but also University seminars, which is included various fields such as linguistics, pedagogy and sociology related to the project, and collecting the documents and the other materials on the study of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
This project has started with 40 members (including office members) and currently, (April 2019) it has more than 200 participants in total.  NET-GTAS has been supported to develop our by a lot of supporters who are young researchers and students.