(高橋 尚也 =京都外国語大学スペイン語学科)
Ms. Setsuko Thurlow’s upload with Spanish subtitles
On March 28, a Spanish version of the testimony of “Ms. Setsuko Thurlow” was uploaded newly on the “Global Network (http://www/global-peace.go.jp)”. With this, we have translated 108 works.
Ms. Thurlow was bombed in Hiroshima. After the war, she moved to Canada and has been continuing her testimony activities. It is said that the international NGO “ICAN” appealing “Nuclear Abolition” became a major driving force in winning the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize. It can be said that the significance of having Ms. Thurlow’s testimony translated into Spanish with the world’s largest language population is deep.
Let’s spread the video with the hands of everyone.
