- 2017.12.19
American Peace Activist Kathleen Sullivan is going to visit Japan on January 2018. (In Kansai region), the lecture is going to be held at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies on January 19th, and she p […]
NET-GTASブログ 被爆者証言の世界化ネットワーク
American Peace Activist Kathleen Sullivan is going to visit Japan on January 2018. (In Kansai region), the lecture is going to be held at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies on January 19th, and she p […]
『翻訳作品100本達成』記念展示会 20日から24日まで開催! NET-GTAS starts “Achievement of 100 Translation Works” mini-exhibition on Monday, this month 20 in Building No. 1 south side passage until Friday on 24th. […]
NET-GTAS翻訳作品がついに100本の大台に! The new video translated by NET-GTAS was uploaded on the site of “GLOBAL NETWORK”on November 6, 2017. As a result, our translation works reached 100 in total. NET […]
あと1本で100本に! NET-GTAS piled up 11 more translation works as a part of this year plan on the site of “GLOBAL NETWORK” (http://www.global-peace.go.jp) and 99 videos in total have been transla […]
あと2本で100本に! NET-GTAS piled up 10 more translation works as a part of this year plan on the site of “GLOBAL NETWORK” (http://www.global-peace.go.jp) and 98 videos in total have been transla […]
今年度の翻訳作品のアップが始まった! NET-GTAS piled up 9 more translation works as a part of this year plan on the site of “GLOBAL NETWORK” (http://www.global-peace.go.jp) and 97 videos in total have been t […]
京都外大NET-GTAS翻訳成果発表会を6月15日に A public presentation of our translation works that KUFS students and teachers were involved in will be held on June 15th for the first time. Hosted by NET-GTAS and the Depa […]
ラジオカフェ番組が完結しました! The final episode of NET-GTAS program “Hibakusha Testimony to the world!” by a FM radio station “Kyoto-Sanjo Radiocafé” has been broadcasted in May 15th. NET-GTASは、昨年(2016年)10月から「被爆者の […]
NET-GTAS翻訳作品さらに2本アップ。 これにより、2016年度全翻訳作品公開! 累計88本に!! NET-GTAS piled up 2 more works, and all the videos we’ve worked on in 2016 have published on the Internet!! 88 videos in total have been trans […]
NET-GTAS翻訳作品がさらに3本アップ。計86本に!! NET-GTAS piled up 3 more works, and 86 videos in total have been translated so far. . NET-GTASが進める被爆者証言の多言語化事業で、4月にさらに2016年度下期の翻訳作品の一部、3作品が完成し、国立広島・長崎原爆死没者追悼平和祈念館の合同サイト「平 […]